giovedì 31 marzo 2011

When one of WETBS is of the (delirious) week

During this week a flu has been giving to me, so I couldn't go out or make something productive

(so, I watched some movies, got through one book and read fashion magazines, confining to bed).

Infact, I neglected my work teams at University and left alone my "poor" work associates:

I want to show you and them my posts on my Moleskine : this is the fruit of one week of flue!

Ok, it's spring and you have only pastel colours in mind, on the other hand my drawings are dark!

The cause: I finally bought a new TrattoPen, one of my favourite pen, so this is the result..

Are you thinking I am a little bit depressed? Naa..e chi m'ammazza??

Ah, don't worry: my Moleskine is not the Sebastian Valmont's diary..or maybe..yes, it is?! ahah

Kisses, Claire







4 commenti:

  1. giuro che sembra il mio quaderno per gli appunti di italiano ahah
    ma no, i tuoi disegni soni più belli.
    Ti auguro di guarire molto presto!

  2. Ti ringrazio Nico, sto quasi ritornando in formissima :P
